Lumos Controls’ Intelligent Lighting Controls Transforms B2 Co. Ltd’s Head Office and Showroom


B2 Co. Ltd, headquartered in Anyang, Gyeonggi Do, Korea, has been a pioneering force in the lighting engineering market since its establishment in 2006. Focused on integrating lighting, electricity, and IT, B2 has transformed the domestic lighting sector with its visionary approach to ‘Lighting Management.’ Today, they stand tall with a comprehensive infrastructure, conquering both domestic and international lighting projects. Lumos Controls – the selected partner for B2’s requirement to illuminate their head office and showroom with a Bluetooth controls system.


Analyzing the requirements from B2, Lumos Controls is geared towards achieving the following objectives:

  • Streamline Head Office Lighting: The goal was to implement advanced lighting controls on two floors of B2’s head office, including the CEO’s and Vice President’s offices. The objective was to optimize energy usage and create a seamlessly controlled environment throughout the building.
  • Showcasing Lighting Expertise in Showrooms: Lumos Controls aimed to enhance B2 customer’s showroom experience by deploying Bluetooth controls system. The focus was on creating an immersive lighting experience, perfectly synchronized with the high ceiling and movable sections. This showcased the adaptability of the controls and highlighted B2’s innovative lighting fixtures.


B2 had a challenge – connecting a control system to DALI without making a mess of wires. Less wiring, more simplicity – that is what they needed. Thus challenge was to craft a wireless control system that connects seamlessly with DALI


Radiar ARD32:

In tackling the challenge of connecting a control system to DALI without a mess of wires, Lumos Controls choosen Radiar ARD32. This cost-effective DALI room controller seamlessly integrated with B2’s lighting infrastructure. It gracefully addressed Objective 1, illuminating the two floors and top offices with precise control.

Radiar AFD1/4:

Keeping things straightforward, Radiar AFD1/4 stepped in, smoothly connecting to 4 DALI LED drivers on 100-277 VAC. This solution contributed to achieving Objective 2 by refining the showroom’s lighting controls, and displaying a variety of stunning fixtures.

Radiar AR10:

The smart Radiar AR10 took center stage, bringing BLE 5.2 control, dual-channel 0-10V controller with inbuilt relay for the on/off routine.  It played a key role in meeting both objectives, turning the head office into a hub of smart lighting without any fuss. 

Catron IV and Catron V Switches:

For the on/off and scene control scenario, Lumos enlisted Catron IV and Catron V switches.  Catron IV, Wireless Self-powered 4 Button Switch, and Catron V, Wireless 5 Button Remote, smoothly handled lighting scenarios. These switches aligned with the need for simplicity and elegance, addressing both objectives seamlessly.

Enor E – BLE-WiFi Gateway With Ethernet & RTC:

Ensuring connectivity to the online realm, Enor E stepped in as the BLE-WiFi Gateway. Its role was pivotal in connecting the entire system to the internet, ensuring B2’s vision for a unified and connected lighting network.

Senor E – Beacon & Range Extender: 

To extend the coverage of Lumos controls’ solution, Senor E played a crucial role as a bi-directional communication device and signal repeater. Positioned strategically within the BLE Mesh network, it enhanced the system’s reach, making sure every corner of B2’s space is smartly controlled. 


With objectives set like a compass guiding the way, the project sailed through, hitting every mark with precision.  Both floors and top offices are now implemented with advanced lighting controls and enhanced B2 customer’s showroom experience.  The project wrapped up with flying colours, and team B2 is enjoying the newfound happiness of our lighting revamp.

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