How to Assess Feasibility of a Retrofit and Select the Right Type of Controls

Wireless lighting controls for retrofit benefits Lumos Controls

As energy efficiency becomes increasingly important in the construction industry, retrofit projects have become a popular way to upgrade existing buildings and reduce their carbon footprint. Retrofitting typically involves the installation of new lighting systems, which can offer significant energy savings when combined with advanced controls. However, selecting the right type of controls and assessing the feasibility of a retrofit project can be a challenging task. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to assess the feasibility of a retrofit and select the right type of controls, with a focus on the benefits of wireless lighting controls.

Assessing the feasibility of a retrofit project

Before undertaking a retrofit project, it’s essential to assess its feasibility. The first step is to evaluate the existing lighting system and identify areas for improvement. This can include assessing the lighting quality, energy efficiency, and maintenance costs. Next, it’s essential to identify the specific goals of the retrofit project, such as energy savings, improved lighting quality, or compliance with energy codes and standards. This will help in selecting the right type of controls and ensure that the project delivers the desired outcomes.

Selecting the right type of controls

When it comes to selecting the right type of controls for a retrofit project, wireless lighting controls such as Lumos Controls lighting controls offer several benefits over traditional wired controls. Here are some of the advantages of Lumos Controls wireless lighting controls:

Wireless lighting controls for retrofit benefits: Lumos Controls

Greater installation flexibility and scalability: Lumos Controls wireless controls are easy to install, requiring less labor and time than wired controls. This makes them ideal for retrofit projects, where minimizing disruption and downtime is critical. They also offer greater flexibility in terms of scalability, allowing for easy expansion and upgrades in the future.

Lower labor costs: With Lumos Controls wireless controls, there is no need to run wires, which can significantly reduce labor costs. This can make a retrofit project more affordable and help to justify the initial investment.

Advanced lighting control: Lumos Controls wireless controls offer advanced lighting control capabilities, such as dimming, daylight harvesting, and occupancy sensing. This can improve the lighting quality and visual comfort for occupants, while also reducing energy consumption.

Increased energy savings: Lumos Controls wireless controls can help to maximize energy savings by optimizing the use of lighting. For example, daylight harvesting can automatically adjust lighting levels based on the amount of natural light in a space, reducing energy consumption.

Improved lighting quality: Lumos Controls wireless controls can enhance the lighting quality, providing better color rendering, and distribution. This can improve the visual comfort and productivity of occupants.

Extended lamp life: Lumos Controls wireless controls can extend the life of lamps and fixtures by reducing the amount of time they are in use. This can reduce maintenance costs and improve the overall cost-effectiveness of the retrofit project.

Secure and reliable with Bluetooth mesh-based technology: Lumos Controls wireless controls use Bluetooth mesh-based technology, which is secure, reliable, and easy to manage. It also provides a high level of flexibility and scalability, making it ideal for retrofit projects.

Reduce your carbon footprint: Retrofit projects with Lumos Controls wireless controls can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a building by reducing energy consumption and improving lighting efficiency.

Qualify for rebate programs: Lumos Controls wireless lighting controls offer rebate programs for retrofit projects with advanced lighting controls. This can help to offset the initial investment and make the project more affordable.


Retrofit projects offer an excellent opportunity to upgrade existing buildings and reduce their carbon footprint. By assessing the feasibility of a retrofit project and selecting the right type of controls, such as Lumos Controls wireless lighting controls, building owners can achieve significant energy savings, improve lighting quality, and enhance the overall sustainability of their buildings.

Looking to explore more about how to assess feasibility of a retrofit and select the right type of controls? Contact our team.

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