Lighting Control System: Must known Facts for Architects

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If you are an architect, you very well know building owners’ lighting requirements.  Now, with the progress in lighting technology, lighting controls easily meet the primary lighting requirements like aesthetic, functionality or application, and energy efficiency.   

A wide range of intelligent lighting control solutions in the market offers automated controls. It allows you to turn ON/OFF/ DIM lights and control lighting based on occupancy or daylight availability, schedule lighting scenes, and more. It is difficult to choose the right lighting control solution but will be easy if you consider certain factors.  

This blog provides you with some factors to consider while choosing an ideal lighting control system for your project!   

Let us dive deep into the facts! 

Lighting Control System 

A lighting control system is an intelligent network-based lighting control solution that uses one or more central computing units to communicate between various input and output devices. It creates the ability to control an entire lighting network together 

A detailed understanding will make it easy for you to choose right lighting control system for your project.

Legacy analog lighting controls are replaced by more scalable and reliable digital lighting controls.  It can be easily operated via a wired or wireless infrastructure. When deciding on the lighting control system for a lighting project, the following factors should be considered. 

  • Dimming capabilities 
  • Incorporating lighting control strategies  
  • Security and energy-efficiency 
  • Network speed and maintenance cost 
  • Convenience and personal preferences 
  • Flexibility and interoperability 
  • Less wiring and simple reconfiguration 
  • Scalability and integration with a building management system


A future-proof solution will be highly adaptable, secured, and reliable. Since it is highly interoperable, you can  easily integrate with other wireless protocols and third-party cloud/applications.  And if the solution is customizable and designed to support IoT, it will address customers’ scaling needs. 

Security is one of the major concerns when choosing a lighting control system, especially if it is wireless.    So, always choose a system with multi-tier security as it will prevent any kind of attacks and eliminate vulnerabilities.  

Energy Code Compliance 

A lighting control solution that is energy code compliant helps building owners meet sustainability goals.  Big three energy codes- ASHRAE 90.1, TITLE 24, and IECC set minimum requirements for designing and constructing an energy-efficient building.  It also makes it mandatory for the product to have specific functionalities depending on space type, availability of daylight, and usage.  These requirements will make the building, energy-efficient, meet occupant comfort, and keep pace with changing construction practices and technologies. 

To read more about big three energy codes click here 

Lighting Control Strategies 

Lighting controls strategies set the right light at the right time for the suitable spaces. It creates a personalized lighting experience that suits the user’s needs and mood. The best thing about a lighting control solution that incorporates lighting control strategies is that it helps meet rising demand for energy efficiency besides creating a visual experience. 
For ex:  Daylight control automatically adjust light and shade levels in open workplaces, public spaces, and lobbies in response to daylight, assuring the optimum light levels without wasting energy or leaving building inhabitants in the dark. Throughout the day, occupancy sensors and timeclock events help to choose the appropriate light levels.  
Read more here: Lighting control Strategies- Offer better control and energy savings

 Points to consider:  Consider lighting designing from the beginning of the project  Choose a lighting control solution at the early stages of the project  Work with manufacturers who can quickly adapt to the changing needs of the building. Use upcoming lighting control technologies to transform the lighting control experience  Identify whether the solution is easy to use and maintain

Installation and Maintenance  

Building owners always look for a solution that is easy to install, maintain, highly efficient, and user-friendly. The old systems are time-consuming and tedious when it comes to commissioning and maintenance. Keeping all these in mind, you should go for a complete lighting control solution that makes installation and commissioning easy. It should have an easy-to-use interface that makes it easier to commission with a smartphone or tablet.    

Lighting control system

Energy Savings 

Lighting accounts for 38% of all electricity used within commercial buildings and contributes to about 20% to 30% of peak hour commercial loads. But, an advanced lighting control solution will  cut down energy consumption through lighting control strategies.  

 % of Energy saved through Lighting Control Strategies   

28% for daylighting controls
24% for occupancy controls
31% for task tuning  
38% for multiple approaches in commercial buildings

Besides energy savings, lighting controls will also give required lighting flexibility  and improve comfort and productivity by tailoring an environment for the visibility of individual occupants or groups. Moreover, it will also lower the environmental impact of energy consumption through advanced lighting control strategies . 

Furthermore, Lighting controls can help you save money on energy by:

  • Reducing energy consumed during peak times by dimming or turning off lights when  not in use. 
  • Reduce the number of hours per year that the lights are turned ON
  • Allowing inhabitants to lower light levels and save energy  

Lighting technology has advanced significantly, allowing you to control your lighting network conveniently. As mentioned above, lighting control systems will enable you to automate your lights for everyday activities.   

When making a choice on lighting control systems choose the one that is backed by IoT technology. It will help you stay ahead of the market. Moreover, investing for an IoT based technology is like investing for the future. It will help building owners to have a lighting network that is efficient to meet the growing needs of tomorrow.   

If you wish to discuss how to get through your next project, feel free to chat with us!

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