Lumos Controls Bring Bank Museum Lighting to Next Level 

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Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade (VIETCOMBANK) of Vietnam is a commercial bank headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam. They wanted to renovate the museum that highlights and celebrates the bank’s history over time. Vietcombank approached LK Engineering for the solution, which recommended Lumos Controls for the project. 

Project Summary


Vietcombank sought a centralized control solution to illuminate its extensive collection of historic bank artifacts effectively. Their goal was to ensure the preservation of these original artifacts, accomplished by implementing the latest lighting controls. By adopting these advanced controls, the bank aimed to streamline operations, minimize costs, reduce cabling requirements, and simplify the installation process. 


The renovation project for Vietcombank was burdened with numerous challenges. Their primary objective was to uphold the integrity of the artifacts and original design while integrating cutting-edge lighting controls, and preferably, without resorting to additional wiring. 


The museum’s lighting infrastructure comprised approximately 140 lighting fixtures, necessitating efficient remote-control capabilities. Through the Lumos Control lighting app, all these fixtures became easily manageable and configurable from any mobile device, streamlining lighting operations throughout the museum space. 

The Lumos Controls mobile app empowers users to seamlessly configure and oversee these lighting devices via their mobile devices. This holistic solution not only optimizes energy consumption but also fosters a comfortable and productiveenvironment, all the while upholding the museum’s architectural integrity. 

For this project, Lumos Controls recommended the utilization of three specific devices: 

0-10V Fixture Controller (Radiar AF10): These dual-channel AC-powered 0-10V controllers are user-friendly to install, requiring no additional wiring. They can be effortlessly affixed to any fixture or electrical junction box. These controllers provide dual-channel dimming, tunable color temperature control, and an in-built relay. The inbuilt relay facilitates wireless control over existing non-dimmable or 1-10V fixtures within the museum. 

Wireless Switch Interface (Catron AI): This wireless switch interface facilitates the museum’s transition to wireless switches without discarding the existing ones, thus enhancing cost-effectiveness and sustainability. 

Senor E: To guarantee comprehensive wireless mesh coverage throughout every nook and corner of the museum, Lumos Controls strategically deployed the Senor E—a bi-directional communication device. This device, powered via USB, serves as an innovative range extender and beacon support system, augmenting the overall network efficiency and performance. 


Vietcombank and LK Engineering’s collaboration on the Vietcombank Museum Renovation with Lumos Controls has produced impressive outcomes. The Lumos Control lighting app streamlined management of 140 fixtures, reducing energy use and safeguarding artifacts. The Radiar AF10 controllers improved visual experiences, the Catron AI switches enhanced operations and sustainability, and Senor E devices boosted network efficiency. The project showcases technology’s role in historical preservation, efficiency, and visitor experience, aligning innovation with tradition and honouring Vietcombank’s heritage. 

About Lumos Controls  

Lumos Controls is the world’s simplest smart lighting control that allows you to create exceptional lighting experiences for smart enterprises. The ecosystem features controllers, sensors, switches, gateways, mobile and web apps to set up basic to advanced smart controls. Lumos Controls offers you the freedom to decide what to achieve and how to grow and step into a sustainable future. 

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