Lumos Controls Completed a Lighting Controls Upgrade of 150,000 Sq.ft Warehouse within 1.5 Months! 

Ebara Corporation, the leading environmental and industrial machinery manufacturer based in California has upgraded its 150,000 sq.ft warehouse with a new automated lighting system that is energy-efficient and human-centric. The project was completed in just 1.5 months by Lumos Controls, the  leading provider of intelligent lighting control solutions. 

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Lumos Controls Empowers the Warehouse with Intelligent Lighting Controls

Prior to the upgrade, the warehouse had a primitive lighting system that consumed a lot of energy and was not user-friendly. Lumos Controls installed wireless controlled light and motion sensors, single-channel dimming control devices, energy-saving switches, and gateways to create a smart lighting ecosystem that is easy to use and energy-efficient. 

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The project involved retrofitting the lighting system with smart controllers and enabling mesh networking to make the facility illuminate with smart devices. A web dashboard with heat-map and occupancy status was developed to track the energy efficiency and resources utilized. 

The warehouse is now fully equipped with an automated lighting system that can remotely control and track the devices. The gateways allow the collection of data from the devices of the connected ecosystem/network and transmit them to the Cloud. These data are used to analyze occupancy, device and energy usage thereby optimize the energy utilization.

The Lumos Controls solution has resulted in around 60% reduction in energy bills over the last year and given the facility access to cloud-based reports which show energy, device and occupancy usage. Ebara is delighted with the new system, which has not only made the warehouse more energy-efficient but also user-friendly. 

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